Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Photos

Happy Easter!
This morning Brylee went on an egg hunt inside and found her baskets. One from the Easter Bunny of course and the other that Nana and G'pa Jim had sent. She kept saying "I find one! {referring to everytime she found an egg}. We headed off to church at 8:30 to meet my family for the 9:00 service. Afterwards, more egg hunting for all of us {I am still missing 1 of my eggs, and my mom has no idea where she hid it which seems to happen every year!}. We had a wonderful dinner cooked by my mom. This afternoon Brylee, Darryl, and I went to the park. It is a perfect afternoon {the weather is actually cooperating today!}.
Here are some pics of our little bunny....
 {great hiding Easter Bunny!}
 {Very cute Easter Basket from Nana and G'pa Jim}

 {she spots a basket}
{another basket}
 {the dogs just had to be in on the action too!}
 {her pile of eggs}

 {the crazy dogs needed to take a break outside as they were too excited}

{watering can and Elmo shirt from Nana and G'pa Jim}

 {some posing shots before church}

 {her cheesy smile}

 {putting stickers on magazines that she found inside her eggs}

 {Colby and Lucy}

 {eating some Easter treats}

 {what's in my basket?}

 {Brylee and Dappa Dappa}

 {Uncle Colin and Brylee}

1 comment:

Unknown said...

These pictures are amazing. You have a great eye Chandra and your little girl is precious. Thank you for sharing them - AMAZING! Keep up the great job. :~) Deb Fischer


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