Monday, June 29, 2009

A few new pics of course...

big popsicle grin to match my dress!
The usual scene...Conan and Rosie watching Brylee

My 30th Birthday

This past Saturday was my 30th Birthday! (I can't believe I am 30!) I had a great birthday as I will detail below...:)
Darryl bought me the Nintendo Wii that I have been begging him for over the past few months. I wanted to be able to work out at home. I know I have this great gym membership with Darryl working at Lifetime and all, but frankly as you all know the gym really isn't really my thing, but truthfully right now it is a bit inconvenient to go the gym, as Brylee is not old enough to go to childcare. So, now that I have my Wii I have the convenience of working out right in my living room and my baby can watch her mama try and shed all those extra pounds. I highly suggest the new EA sports that was just released at the end of May. It has aerobics, strength training, etc. Of course Darryl also sprung for Mario Kart, a favorite of mine from the N64 days!
Brylee got me tickets to this Friday's Twins game. So, we are going to try and bring her and we'll see how many innings we all last! Hopefully she will be good. We can't bring her car seat, so we are going to try out the baby bjorn carrier thingy that we got, should be an adventure. I also got tickets to see Kooza by Cirque de Soleil which I am super pumped about, I have always wanted to go see a show!
Last but not least, my hubby planned a surprise party at a restaurant down by the River in St. Anthony Main in Minneapolis. It is a great summer spot. I totally was not expecting it, so it was great to see my family and friends! I think I should have a birthday everyday! I come 30' will be an awesome adventure and I am along for the exciting ride! :)

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

subscribe to blog

Hello everyone,
I recently added a subscribe to our blog link. Just click on the link that says subscribe to the Bushard family blog below the picture of Conan and Rosie on the right side. Therefore, I won't have to constantly send annoying emails everytime I update the blog as it will show you when I create a new post.

wordless wednesday

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

just chillin...
father's day photo
posing with daddy

trying to find my hands to chew on

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's day

Jim, Reda, me (preggers with Brylee) and Darryl
Dad, Mom, and me
Darryl and Brylee
Dad and Brylee
Darryl with Brylee
Today is father's day and I want to give a big shout out to all the dads out there!!

First, to my hubby! Today is his first "official" father's previously he has just been a daddy to doggies (conan and rosie!) I am so proud of what a great daddy he is to Brylee. From the moment I found out I was pregnant, through my pregnancy and my constant complaining about throwing up, getting fat, (and still complaining about my weight!), etc., and through labor he was my biggest support. He was sooo very excited to be a new daddy! I could see it in his eyes when we saw the first ultrasound and found out it was a girl, to his constant chattering about her and anticipating her arrival. From the moment she was born he has been in absolute love with her. I can't wait to see their incredible bond grow throughout the years. I only hope it is as strong as the one I have between me and my dad. I know she is going to be daddy's girl!
Now, a shout out to the other man in my dad! My dad is the most amazing person I know. He has always been my support system. Many a times growing up I would come to my dad to fix things, give advice, or just talk me down from my craziness. He is the person I can always count on (including my mom of course). He always pushed me to do my best even when I wanted to give up! As long as I tried my hardest that was all he asked for. He is the hardest working man I know ( I don't understand how a person can get up at 4 Am to go to work!), but with that said, my brothers and I were and are always top priority. He would come to practices, games, recitals, etc. worn out from his long day, but he knew how much it meant to us to have our dad present. That is something I will always treasure. Now as a grandpa to my little girl, he is renewed with such excitement. He can't stop talking about his "sweetheart", and even though sometimes we roll our eyes at his antics and obsession with Brylee, I couldn't be any more excited and happy. I know I am the luckiest girl in the world to have a dad like mine, and I know Brylee is the luckiest girl in the world to have grandpa Terry!

Last but not least, I want to wish a happy father's day to my father-in-law Jim. Although, he lives far away he has always been so supportive of Darryl and I, and that means so much. I know Darryl admires his dad by the way he talks about him growing up and by the way he approaches life. (Darryl's laid back attitude is a personality trait he got from his dad, obviously I did not get that trait!). Unfortunately, Darryl's parents live in NV and therefore we don't get to see them a lot, but that just means that the time we all get to spend together is all the more meaningful. We are looking forward to their trip back to MN in July.

So, thanks to these wonderful men in particular, and of course all the other dads, step-dads, grandpas, papas, etc.! I love you all....and have a wonderful father's day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Random Pics

Finished decorating Brylee's room

We finally finished decorating Brylee's room. We were waiting for her arrival so that we could put her name and date on the wall. Check out the website we ordered from, love their stuff.
In addition, to her monogram we finally decided on our order and got around to hanging up her pictures taken at one week.

Brylee's first parade and trip to Albertville

Cousin Alix holding Brylee
Rosie watching over Brylee!
Watching the parade from my stroller
Paige and Drew snacking before lunch
Uncle Eric and Brylee
Yesterday Darryl, Brylee, and I headed north to Albertville to visit his brother Eric, wife Leah, and their 3 beauties....Alix, Drew, and Paige. It was a great afternoon. We enjoyed some grilled food and then headed off to the Albertville parade. It was a lot of fun and the weather was gorgeous! It did get quite hot though. Brylee was really good, considering the heat. She just relaxed in her stroller the whole time. I have posted some pics of Brylee and the girls and some of just Brylee. She is getting so big. I can't believe she is 6 weeks old!

Friday, June 5, 2009

First trip to IOWA!

IA Welcome center barn!
G'ma Joyce, Brylee, and me
Great Grandma Joyce and Brylee
Yesterday Brylee made her first trip to Iowa! My mom, Brylee, and I drove down to IA for the day to visit my Grandma Joyce, since she had not yet met Brylee since she was born. She was so excited to meet her and hold her. We had a good time chatting, eating at Merry Bee's coffee house and watching Brylee. Brylee was really good, except the last 15 minutes on the way home where she screamed because she was hungry. We also made a pit stop at the IA welcome center barn to feed Brylee on the way home and took a picture to document her first trip visiting our neighbors to the south.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

One month old today!

I can't believe Brylee is one month old today! Time has really gone by fast (I know everyone always says that, but it is true!). We have so much fun watching her grow and change each day. She has been sleeping through the night for about a week and a half now, which makes us very happy! She is also much more alert and has started smiling at us. She is such a joy!
Happy one month birthday Brylee!

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