Saturday, February 27, 2010

10 months (on Monday)

Brylee is turning 10 months old on Monday. Still can't believe how fast she is growing!
Here are some facts about Brylee Calla at 10 months old:
* doesn't like food with too much texture (it makes her gag and sometime throw up!)
* drinks out of a sippy, if we put it in her mouth...she won't do it independently
* won't eat things off her tray, unless we put them in her mouth. She will pick them up and hold    food, but won't put it in her mouth. We may be spoon feeding her till she is 5!
* is starting to move...via sit-hopping (my official name for it).
* tries pulling herself up, but so far has been unsuccessful without assistance.
* Loves to watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in the mornings while in her jumperoo
* Loves bathtime and splashing
* Loves singing and when someone sings to her she will move her head back and forth
* She tell you what the puppas say..."woof"
* Loves to yell mamamama and dadadadada (usually dada though lately)
* Pets Conan and Rosie and sometimes gets a fistful of fur
* Is a great nap sleeper and sleeps great at night (12 hours)
Those are some of the highlights.....
She is such a happy and easy going baby and we know how blessed we are!




Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Alright are some "flashback pics"

Darryl and Brylee snoozing on the couch
Colby, me, Colin at my 29th Birthday party (me and the bros)

The whole fam...almost 3 years ago...can't wait for our cruise again in July!

Pervfest (named after Tony's last name..get your minds out of the gutter people)
Dave, Darryl, me, Jimbo (me and the boys)

Alicia and me (at our 10 year class reunion)

Me and little Miss P (Paige) at her baptism

My handsome hubby relaxing in Aruba

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Do you Picnik??

So, my fabulous cousin Missy recently asked me what photo editing program I usually use for my pictures. I told her I typically use picasa editing and sometimes Adobe photoshop. She introduced me to Picnik a free website (although you can upgrade for a fee) for photo editing. She did WARN me that it was addicting, and I have to I have been fiddling around with it on and off this morning (in between working with students of course).
Anyways, here are some pics I had fun editing. What do you think?
Do you Picnik??

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Our Funny Valentine

Happy Valentine's day to the 2 loves of my life...Darryl (a.k.a. Shotzes) and Brylee (a.k.a. Bry Pie).
Thanks for all the love you give me, I am so blessed to have such a great family!
I love you both soooooo much!

Last night Darryl and I celebrated Valentine's day a little early. We attended Darryl's Christmas work party first (yes, a little late!) and then we had dinner at a little Italian place in Excelsior called Biella. Great food, great atomospher, and I had a great Valentine to share it with. Forntunately, G'ma and G'pa Voigt watched our little Valentine and they had a great time too.

Here are some pics I took of Brylee today. She is sporting one of her Valentine's outfits. Thanks to Nana Reda and G'pa Jim for this cute outfit.

We are heading up to Albertville this afternoon to spend time with Eric/Leah and our 3 nieces. Should be great fun!

Happy Valentine's Everyone!


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