Monday, February 27, 2012

36 weeks...homestretch!

I have made it to 36 weeks....{the homestretch} as I like to call it. I am more than ready to meet this baby girl and not be pregnant anymore! This pregnancy has definitely not been the easiest!
I start going to the dr. every week now {beginning this Thursday} and so hopefully some progress will happen soon! I am busy at work with trying to get everything in order for my sub. She comes to shadow beginning on the 12th, so the baby must wait until then to come!!!
Brylee is anxiously awaiting her baby sister and asks me everyday {and has for the last month or so} if the baby is coming out today. I just reply...not today, but soon it will be her b-day. She obviously can see her mommy is getting very big!
I think everything is set for baby now and so it is just a waiting game....
Anyhoo...hope everyone has a great week! Looks like we are going to miss out on some major snow once again, and instead be stuck with ice/rain. ICK!
Here are some pics from this weekend of Brylee playing.

 {attempting a cartwheel...or as Brylee calls it "tricks"}

 {putting her baby in her crib}

 {doing "tricks" again}

{36 weeks....ready to POP!}

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Miss Lucy Alice

Miss Lucy Alice is sure growing up fast! I can't believe she is 6 months old! She was such a good sport yesterday during pictures, outfit changes, etc.
What a beautiful little lady!
Here are some of my favs from yesterday!



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