Sunday, September 23, 2012

{love is in the air}

Yesterday I had the honor of taking engagement pics for my brother Colin and his fiance Jacky. We met by the high school in Rosemount as there is a nice wooded area back there. It was a beautiful morning, except for the fact that it was freezing cold! It wouldn't have been so bad if it weren't so windy. They were both troopers, even with quick outfit changes.

These 2 are so in love and it is written all over their faces. They truly compliment one another and it is clear how much they mean to eachother. I hope these pictures capture their and crazy crazy in love {with eachother and the MN Gophers!} 

 my favorites....



Tuesday, September 18, 2012

apple orchard visit

The beautiful weather this weekend allowed us to venture to the orchard earlier than usual. We went to a local orchard in Lakeville this time, so we didn't have to deal with the crowds and long drive.
Brylee had fun spotting out the good apples for Darryl to pick and driving the little tractors. Brittyn loved being outside and attempted to eat an apple as everything goes in the mouth these days!

On another note...the baby is 6 months old today. She is growing up too quickly if you ask me! If I could freeze frame time at this stage...I would! She is a busy little girl...constantly moving. She also has 2 bottom teeth that finally made their appearance last week! She weighs in at 16 lbs even and is 25 inches long. (Brylee was 15 lbs 10 oz. and was 25.5 inches) so she is following a similar growth pattern to her sister. So, Brittyn is a growing, happy, little girl!


 {goofy girl}


{serious tongue!}



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