Saturday, April 9, 2011

Saturday Snap~Shots {park}

Nothing much to report. Brylee and I ventured to the park for the first time this season. She was quite the daredevil as she was not intimidated at all by the big slides or climbing on all the equipment. She was scared of the baby swing at first {although last year she loved it!}, but warmed up to it and even wanted to sit in the chair swing as well. The weather was warmer, but not the predicted 70 they talked about. It was cloudy all day with a slight wind, but Brylee and I sported dresses anyways! I also painted Brylee's toes today and she was so excited about picking out her color and blowing on them to help them dry.
She is quite the talker...4-5 word sentences. But lately, quite defiant. I am sure it is just the age but nonetheless not our favorite thing to deal with. Goes with the territory I guess! Today at Kohl's she kept saying.."I not happy"...I am sure the people were like why is your {almost} 2 yr. old saying that? My answer...who knows?! I don't know what would make a toddler so unhappy....seems like a great life to me...people waiting on your hand and foot, now worries, etc. Toddlers...they are quite the little people!

 {pretty toes}
 {the swinging face}

 {the chair swing}
 {yes, I know it is difficult to climb when wearing a dress...I will try for more appropriate play attire!}
 {going down the slide by herself}

 {sliding down the tunnel slide}

{thought this one was funny since her eyes are closed while riding the airplane}

 {she sat frozen like this the whole time in the chair was quite funny}

1 comment:

Adam and Erin said...

Too funny that you dress her up to go to the park! Yes she needs some play clothes! Great pictures, I need to get the camera outside and snap some of William!


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