Saturday, June 23, 2012

lil' lobster

Hope everyone has had a good week. As I am writing...I have only 1 baby! Brylee went up to Leah's parent's cabin with her cousins for the weekend on a spur of the moment trip. They will drop her off Sunday night at Nana and G'pa Jim's as Darryl and I are off to Chicago early Monday morning. My parents are going to watch Brittyn while we are gone. I am so excited for our little would think we are going to some exotic destination like Aruba or the Bahamas with my level of excitement! Mostly I am looking forward to uninterrupted sleep at night!  {besides spending quality time with the hubby and taking in the sights of of my favorite cities}. Darryl has our trip itinerary all planned out...some highlights include: Cubs game, shopping, Navy pier, special dinner on my b-day, and a segway tour. So, we have a fun    trip and the weather looks awesome. I am sure Thursday will come way to fast but for now we are looking forward to recharging our batteries as we know our babies will be in the best of hands!
Lastly, of course some pics. Our lil' lobster....

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Brittyn's 3 month pictures

Yesterday I took Brittyn's 3 month pics as I have been wanting to do them the past week, but the weather hasn't been all that great. So, we seized the opportunity yesterday. Brylee was my asst. and her job was to hold the birp cloth and wipe Brittyn any time she spit up! What a great big sis!
Miss Brittyn is certainly a mover. She is trying to roll over in the past week and is very close. She is constantly moving her legs and arms. We think she will be an early crawler and walker!
She is also going to the chiropractor and that definitely seems to be helping, especially her neck as she has some mild tortilcollis. She is now able to turn her neck to the left much easier and seems to be much happier. We went 3 times this week and will go 2 times this coming week and then hopefully just maintenance after that. I just regret not going sooner. Oh well...better late than never I suppose!
We are looking forward to celebrating father's day tomorrow with my family for lunch and Darryl's family for dinner. We were all going to go to the zoo today, but the weather is not cooperating, so I am not sure what we will do this afternoon to celebrate.

Happy Father's day tomorrow and happy summer!


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