Saturday, June 22, 2013

{Summer Rain}

It seems like summer has officially arrived. It has been hot most of the week and looks the same for complaints here! However, lately we have gotten into a very rainy/stormy pattern. Many places in the twin cities have had damage due to the winds and rain. This morning Brylee wanted to use her umbrella {that I actually bought last year}. So, what the heck...a morning wagon ride/walk with our rain gear on. 
Brylee had a busy week at vacation bible school. My mom picked her up and brought her home every day. It was nice to just have 1 kiddo for part of the day. Brittyn and I enjoyed our time together. She jabbers away and I just nod...someday we might actually understand her jibberish!
I am looking forward to our vacation in Mexico, 2 weeks from today! Yay. Darryl's parents are watching the girls, which we are really grateful. We are looking forward to a pre-celebration of our 10 year anniversary.

That's a wrap folks. As always, pictures from today. This girl is growing up so fast. Sometimes I just look at her and am amazed at how smart and beautiful she is. Love this girl.


Monday, June 10, 2013

Family weekend

We spent the weekend in Iowa, at my aunt and uncle's house. The kids had fun swimming in the pool {for about a half hour before it rained}. The rest of us had fun chasing kids around, catching up, eating, drinking, and just having a great time!
Here are some pics of the kids at the pool. Brittyn Loved the water...looks like we will be going to the pool and beach a lot this summer!

 {Miss Kaiah True...ADORBS!}

 {Swimming with Grandpa}


 {Addison and Kaiah}

 {Big sis, little sis}

 {Miss Cami Shea}


 {Colby and Scott enjoying a beverage}

 {Love this crazy girl!}

{Happy Summer!}

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