Sunday, July 31, 2011

Sunday Snap-shots has been a while since I updated. Brylee and I have been keeping busy with our running errands, trips to the park, walks, wagon rides, and meeting up with friends. The days have been hot...but I am really not complaining as I would way rather have this than the long drawn out dreary and cold winter days. I know that the blissful sunshine and jacketless days will quickly be a distant memory soon! I can't believe it is already the last day of July today! The summer always flies by. I always have all these grand things I want to get done and unfortunately most of those things get tossed aside for more fun mentioned above. But, I try not to feel guilty because these summer days and moments are fleeting and so we've got to live it least for another month!
Happy Last day of July!

Her smile beams like sunshine which fills our hearts with love. ~Birgit B





Thursday, July 21, 2011


The 2 year old has quite the imagination. Today we packed a picnic lunch and headed to the park. Brylee had to bring some stuffed animals to join us. She is really into having picnics with her stuffed animals on the floor of the living room. Last night, she must have had 15 animals on her blanket. She made sure they all had some tea and something to eat. She also enjoys dressing up. I have made her some tutu's and she wears those around the house as if it is normal attire. I suppose it brings out her inner princess.

There is a garden in every childhood, an enchanted place where colors are brighter, the air softer, and the morning more fragrant than ever again” Elizabeth Lawrence

 {little Ro-Ro and Goober sharing a meal}

 {eating some yummy string cheese!}
 {Goober the cute is he?}
 {giving little Ro-Ro a drink}

 {analyzing the radish}
 {as close as she got to eating the radish}

 {too big tutu...}
 {ooops...i lost my skirt}
 {all better...I'll just hike it right up!}

 {she must be flying with the way that ponytail is swaying!}


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