Wednesday, March 30, 2011

spring break {thus far}

SPRING BREAK has officially arrived...yeah!
Brylee and I have been having lots of fun hanging out. Although, we didn't do much on Monday and Tuesday, Today we had a busy day. We met up with my friend Alicia and her son Noah at MOA, while her other son Caeden was in school. We had fun shopping for girl clothes (Alicia is having a baby girl in July and I can't wait!) and catching up. We came home for lunch and for Brylee's nap and then left to go to the St. Paul conservatory and como zoo. Unfortunately, we got there at 3:15, as Brylee took a 2 hour nap today {she usually only sleeps about an hour and 15 minutes to an hour and a half these days}, so we had only 45 minutes as they close at 4. On April 1st, they will stay open till just missed it by a few days! In the 45 minutes we walked through the conservatory and looked at the plants and a few flowers in bloom, saw stuffed lions, then went to see the fish at the como zoo. She was so excited to see the seal and some penguins along with the other fish up close. She was a little scared as she would cling to my leg in the crazy spiderman kind of way and would say...{scary...Brylee scared!}. We left the como zoo and headed to Green Mill in St. Paul to meet my friend Erika for dinner. Brylee calls her {ka}. It was great to catch up with her as well and see her ever growing belly too {as she is due with b/g twins in July}. A fun filled day was had by all. Tomorrow and Friday more fun on tap, as my cousin Amy and my g'ma are coming up for a few days.
For now...some pics from the last few days.
 {playing with her magnetic doll dress-up set}

 {trying to get Rosie to play ball with her}

 {our little BIG problem last Sunday...Brylee decided the couch needed decorating! Luckily, after I got over the shock, (as Darryl told me to leave the room) he was able to scrub all the crayon marks up}

 {the guilty girl!!}
 {pics at the conservatory today...she was scared to sit by herself by the fountain...hence the face!}

 {down mama!}
 {green things growing...almost forgot what it looked like!}

 {checking out the turtles and fish in the tank}
 {BIG lions...she was a bit scared of these too}. Think the lion below needs someone to sew him back up!}

{mr. seal...Brylee LOVED him!}

1 comment:

Jenni said...

i love the pic of brylee and rosie playing! adorable


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