Monday, October 15, 2012

{the 7 month old}

Yes, I said the 7 month old!....well, actually not until Thursday. I took some pictures outside yesterday of little b and so I thought I would post them now, while I have time.
At 7 months Brittyn is full of energy and smiles. She has 2 teeth on bottom and her 2 top teeth are growing in. She is sleeping through the night and takes at least 1 solid 2-2.5 hour nap and usually a couple cat naps as well. She is ready to move! She scoots around a bit and looks like she is getting ready to only time will tell. This mama is NOT ready to have a mobile baby. My hopes of having a non-mobile baby still at Christmas are being lessened by the day! :)
We just love her to pieces.....

 {see my 2 bottom teeth!}

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