Saturday, April 3, 2010

Chutes and Ladders park

Today Darryl, I, and Brylee headed to Chutes and Ladders park in Bloomington. Unforntunately, Brylee is still a bit to small for the big slides, but she did have fun on the little slides with our help. We took a long walk and everytime she saw a dog, she would say "woof" "woof". We had a lot of fun even though it was a bit windy, but at least the sun was out. Here are some pics from today.

                                                   Chutes and Ladders park
                                                 Brylee going down the slide
                                                    Taking a breather
                                    lots of sun...can't wait till the trees start budding


Adam and Erin said...

Fun stuff! I can't wait till Will is old enough to enjoy those kind of adventures.

brilfamily said...

aww, looks like you guys had a great day! Happy Easter!


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