We had a good 4th of July weekend. Darryl took off on Friday, so he had a 3 day weekend. Erin Suedkamp (my best friend since around the 6th grade) stopped by for a visit since she was in town. It was good to see her, and we can't wait to find out if she is having a little boy or girl on Tuesday the 7th. We will be anxiously awaiting.
We also ventured to Brylee's first Twins game at the Metrodome. Since we can't bring the car seat carrier in, we decided to use the baby carrier thingy. It worked out great and Brylee thouroughly enjoyed the scenery! We made it about 4 innings and then left as Brylee was getting a bit squirmy and was tired. Good thing we didn't stay the whole time since they ended up playing 16 innings and lost! Bummer! Yesterday (the 4th) we ventured to St. Paul to eat. We ended up eating at Porky's...an old drive-up diner. It was great food. We then ventured to Lake Phalen to walk around, it was quite muggy and we had to stop to feed Brylee. Then the weather turned a bit stormy so we didn't stay as long as we would have liked, but it was fun anyways. We went to see the Apple Valley fireworks last night with my parents, and of course Brylee slept the whole entire thing...grand finale and all! Hopefully she will stay awake for the upcoming aquatennial fireworks at the end of July which are awesome! So, it was a busy 4th weekend, but will have lots of great memories! Here are a few pics of Brylee enjoying the 4th in her few outfit changes. (thanks Larry and Jodi for my cute dress and shades!)
Sounds like the 3 of you had a great 4th of July weekend and really nice Darryl was off on Friday too.
Brylee looks so very cute in her 2 4th of July outfits. Love the red sun glasses and makes her look 'cool'.
Sorry about the Twins losing but it was a good thing you had to leave after the 4th inning anyway since the game was really long! Thanks for new pics/update.
Kisses and Hugs to Brylee.
Sounds like you had great and BUSY 4th! Glad Brylee likes the outfit!
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