One week has gone by so quickly. It has been a nice relaxing week at home with our girls. We have had several visitors...Erika, Erin B., Alicia, Colin/Jacky, both sets of parents, and Eric/Leah and co. Darryl goes back to work on Tuesday and although he needs to get back to is still hard knowing I will be on my own. Brittyn is a great baby so far. Since we have brought her home, she pretty much cries when she needs something and that is it. Most of her days and nights are spent sleeping. She eats about every 3 hours, but has twice gone 5 hours in between. At night I do the feeding usually between 11:30-12:30, Darryl does the feeding around 3:30-4:30, and then it is morning. So, we have really lucked out!
We had our first official family outing yesterday. We went to the MN zoo (as we have a zoo pass). It was great for Brylee to get out and Brittyn slept the while time!
I took a ton of pics this week. So I will share my favs here....otherwise you can view the rest on
{nana and brittyn}
{g'pa jim, nana, brittyn, and brylee}
{Jacky and Brittyn}
{colin and brittyn}
{colby and brittyn}
{steph and brittyn}
{zoo trip}
{sleeping the whole time at the zoo}

{mr. crocodile}
{mr. monkey}
{this is how we roll now...with the sit n stand stroller}
{mr. leopard}
{g'pa, g'ma, Colby, and brittyn}
{g'ma and brittyn}
{alix and brittyn}
{miss Drew and Brittyn}
{sleeping on daddy's knees}
{caught a little smile}
{bright eyes}
{auntie Leah and Brittyn}
{miss Paige and Brittyn}
Lastly....a preview of Jamie's pics (}. We are anxiously awaiting the rest of the proofs! {Her blog is down currently for improvements...but you can see them on facebook for now}.