Darryl moving to the Lakeville Lifetime to work {so much closer and he is home more!}, Brylee's 2nd birthday, Darryl and I going to NYC in June, finding out we are adding another little girl in.... March, Darryl's parents moving back in September, and holidays spent with an excited 2 yr. old and family/friends. We are truly blessed.
Next year we are looking forward to continued health, successes at work, lots of family time, and our new addition {which I am so ready for!}.
Here is a picture story {LONG PICTURE STORY...I have taken a LOT of pictures this past year} down memory lane this past year!
I wish everyone a Happy New Year and may you all be blessed in 2012!
{a visit to the Children's Museum}
{sesame street live}
{lots of playtime}

{first haircut}
{Valentine's Day}
{my school......Normandale's 20th year Gala}
{exploring with play-doh}
{St. Patrick's day}
{Centennial Lakes}
{Spring break with G'ma Joyce, Amy, and going to the zoo}
{one of my all time fav. pics below}
{first bike ride}
{the beginning of park days}
{A visit to see the Easter Bunny}
{Brylee's 2nd Birthday}
{The arboretum}
{one of my other fav. pics of all time... daddy and Brylee}

{mother's day}
{memorial day picnic and park day}
{2 yr. old and family pics with our photographer Jamie Stoia}
{summer bubble blowing}
{father's day at the stone arch bridge festival}
{getting her hula hoop on!}
{Grand Central Station}
{central park}
{Wicked....awesome show!}
{July 4th....at the beach!}
{G'ma Joyce's Birthday in Iowa Falls}
{more picnics in the park}
{more bike riding}
{attempt at t-ball....didn't go so well!}
{daddy fixing hair}
{State fair!}
{baby piggy}
{the joys of sidewalk chalk}
{A trip to the Apple Orchard....Emma Krumbee's}
{cousin Drew's b-day at a different orchard}
{Brylee and Alix}
{Cousins....Alix, Drew, and Paige}
{Fall at the arboretum....gorgeous!}
{nana and Brylee}
{our little prairie dog!}
{2 crazies!}
{a change of seasons....and we haven't seen measurable snow since}
{Thanksgiving....Missy, Jodi, and Kaiah}
{Addison, Camden, and Brylee}
{2 of my fav. pics this year}
{Christmas Celebrations}
{What a great 2011 and hoping for an awesome 2012!!!}